What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat? (Complete Chart)

By james

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What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat: “What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat..?” or Can Chinchilla Eat Apple, Banana, Blueberries, Apricots, Papaya? As a curious Chinchilla owner, I researched What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat, and here is what I found out!

What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat

All Chinchilla pet owners aware that Fruits are only to be given as special treats as they are high in sugars. So, Chinchillas can eat only the small amounts of fruits. On this page, we will discuss about the list of Fruits that Chinchillas can eat. Chinchillas enjoy any break from their regular diet. They like the Special Treats of most fruits and vegetables, and the crunchy texture vegetables. So, we have come up with the list of Fruits that Chinchillas can eat and List of Fruits that should be given as a Special Treat for Chinchillas once in a while.

What Fruits Can Chinchillas Eat..?

Note: Many people treats Chinchillas like rabbits but they are entirely different. Chinchillas are native to a cold desert, so they are designed to eat dried grasses (hay). Anything with sugar or too much moisture content can cause serious problems. For special treats, they could have things like dried calendula or rose hips. There are others too. As their diet, unlimited Timothy hay and plain pellets (no colored bits) are good for them.

Can Chinchillas Eat Lettuce?

Yes chinchillas can eat Lettuce when served as s special treat in small amounts. As Lettuce is high with minerals such as such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium, it is not safe to offer high amounts of Lettuce to your chinchilla. 

Can chinchillas eat strawberries?

In a nutshell, Chinchillas can have strawberries, but only in small quantities. As per many of the Expert advise, it’s better to avoid giving your chinchilla strawberries or any other kind of fruit to be on the safe side. 

Can chinchillas eat Blueberries?

As blueberries have too much sugar content, sometimes chinchillas’ stomachs cannot handle. Feeding chinchillas with blueberries will cause digestive issues, and stomach pain. So, avoid Blueberries to 

Chinchilla pets. Can chinchillas eat Apples?

No, Apples should not be given on regular basis to Chinchillas but Chinchillas can eat Apples but only in moderation. It is a rich source of Malic acid that is not essential for your Chinchillas. So, excessive feeding can lead to diarrhea and urinary problems. I would suggest to avoid fruits like Apples. 

Can chinchillas eat watermelon?

No, watermelon should not be given to Chinchillas because of the excessive sugar content. I would suggest to avoid fruits like watermelon. 

Can chinchillas eat Oranges?

In a nutshell, Chinchillas cannot have Oranges because of the high sugar content. As per many of the Expert advise, it’s better to avoid giving your chinchilla Oranges or any other kind of fruit to be on the safe side. 

Can chinchillas eat Mango?

In a nutshell, Chinchillas cannot have Mango because of the high sugar content. As per many of the Expert advise, it’s better to avoid giving your chinchilla Mangoes or any other kind of fruit that has excessive sugar content. Can chinchillas eat peanut butter? No chinchillas don’t eat peanut butter. It is not safe to offer peanut butter to your chinchilla.

Which Types of Fruits Should be Avoided?

Fruits that are rich in acidict content should be avoided serving Chinchillas. 

  • High Acid Fruits 
  • Phosphorus Content 
  • High Sugar Content 
  • High Calcium Content 
  • High-Fat Content

Can I give Fruits Regularly to Chinchillas?

No, Fruits should not be given on regular basis to Chinchillas because Fruits will cause a lot of trouble to Chinchillas. Anything with sugar or too much moisture content can cause serious problems. So, better avoid fruits with high sugar content or only give them as special treats once in a week. However, I suggest most of the Chinchilla owners to avoid Fruits and Vegetables. 

What are the Best Alternatives for Fruits?

For special treats, they could have things like dried calendula or rose hips, Plain Cheerio, plain shredded mini wheat, a pinch of old-fashioned rolled oats, or a dried rose hip no more than once or twice per week.


I have made this blog for sharing whatever I learned in my journey in the past couple of years so that you people can take advantage of the same. In this blog, you will discover numerous supportive tips to take care of your exotic petss, their sustenance diet, habitat, and so on.

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